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Basic healthcare
Basic care is provided by the Caregivers assistants. Their role is to accompany you in the acts of your daily life according to your level of autonomy.
It can be used on a one-time basis to take care of the convalescence after the elderly person has left the hospital. But it is also possible to call on them regularly in the case of a dependent elderly person wishing to remain aged at home.
When to seek home medical care?
The prescription for home medical care is usually a decision made by the attending physician or hospital. The most common cases occur:
Following a stay in hospital or in a follow-up care and rehabilitation service in order to facilitate the return to autonomy of the elderly person
When the elderly person’s level of autonomy decreases significantly
- Complete toilet in bed or at the sink, shower assistance
- Dressing and undressing
- Transfers
- Bed refurbishment.
- Placement of strips or compression stockings.
- Helps with nutrition, hydration and elimination.
- Mobilization assistance, fall prevention and physical exercises.
- Prevention of bedsores .
- Foot care.
- Help in taking treatment.